Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education

Quick Glance: AYLEE is an environmental education program for students in grades 7-12 that connects young people from across the province to learn and create environmental solutions.

Key Highlights:

  • Location: Virtual meetings, as well as In-Person meet ups.

  • Eligibility: Albertans Grades 7-12

  • Cost: Free

  • Registration: During school year.

  • Website:


Alberta Youth Leaders for Environmental Education (AYLEE) program is for students in grades 7-12 in Alberta. It gives young people a chance to meet others who share their interests, learn about the environment, energy, and climate change, work together on projects that advance environmental education and climate action, and get involved in their schools to contribute to the creation of a better, more sustainable future.

Youth are welcome to apply to the AYLEE program at any point in the school year. Of course, the sooner in the year you apply the better, to be able to take advantage of all the program has to offer! We don’t want to turn away any young person who is passionate about the environment and climate action, so please feel free to send in your application anytime!

AYLEE has participated in advocacy campaigns, drafting white papers, and delivering community workshops, presenting at teacher conventions, and planning and convening at youth summits. AYLEE members also run school-based environmental action projects that might include creating Eco Clubs, leading community garden initiatives, sit spots, and the list goes on! 

**Last updated July 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)

Have you participated in AYLEE?

Do you have something to share or is something incorrect?

Fill out the opportunity form and tell us about your experience with this opportunity. Your testimonial will be posted here for other youth to read.

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