Share With Us

Ways To Share

There are two ways to contribute and help grow The Collection.

  1. Submit a new opportunity that you have participated in.

  2. Add your testimonial to a pre-existing opportunity that you have participated in.

Have you participated in a camp, program, exchange, internship, summit, opportunity or contest that you enjoyed and found beneficial to your high school education and learning? Share this opportunity and contribute to the lifelong learning of other youth.

Summit a new opportunity or add your testimonial to a pre-existing opportunity by filling out the Opportunity Form


  • We would love for you to submit any programs, exchanges, camps, internships, contests, summits or other opportunities that you found unique and enriching. These opportunities must be accessible for Canadian high school students.

    See the other opportunities for reference.

  • At the Collection, a Y.E.O. is the next level of an extracurricular opportunity.

    Examples include but are not limited to:

    Enrichment camps

    • Science camps

    • Medical camps

    • Veterinary camps


    • Exchanges to other countries

    • Exchanges to other Canadian cities

    Language camps and programs

    • French immersion camps

    • Spanish learning programs

    Volunteer experiences

    • National or provincial volunteer opportunities

    • Out-of-the-box volunteer experiences


    • Essay competitions

    • Science/computing competitions

    Other unique experiences

    • Online forums

    • Learning opportunities

    • Youth advisory committees

  • No! You must have participated in the opportunities that you submit. Please only submit opportunities that you have done.

  • Only your first name and the city and province you are from will be shown on the website. For example “Bob from Toronto, Ontario.” We showcase this with the opportunity to create a sense of community and personality.

  • Yes! Any opportunity that Canadian youth can do is submittable even if that opportunity is outside of Canada. There are many programs, camps and exchanges that allow Candians to participate. International opportunities that Canadian youth cannot partake in are not submittable.

Why Share?

Think about the programs, camps, opportunities and experiences that you have participated in and how they have helped you grow, meet like-minded friends, and learn.

Having the ability to share that gift with another young Canadian is both powerful and rewarding.

Share your best youth experiences with us, helping others in the process.

Organizations and Opportunities

Does your organization offer opportunities for high school opportunities? Camps, programs, experiences? Spread the word about your opportunity by showcasing it on The Collection.

Wish to showcase on The Collection? The process is simple, ask an alumnus/alumna to fill out the Opportunity Form and submit their testimonial. Once their testimonial is approved the opportunity will be showcased on our website.