The Collection In Schools

Dear Teachers, Guidance Counsellors, and Educators…

The Collection Y.E.O. is an invaluable, cost free tool for your students to use as it promotes leadership, community involvement and access to enrichment learning. 

Connect your students with this resource by promoting The Collection within your school or other educational communities. We aim to make this resource available to every high school student and learner across Canada. If you have any questions about promoting The Collection within your educational community, please reach out to us.

If you have any questions about promoting in your school please contact us!

Provide your high school students the ultimate enrichment resource.

Made by students. For Students

Promotional Resources

Want to share the website with your students? Let us help.


This poster is easy to print off and hang in classrooms, offices, communal areas and counselling spaces.


This hand out of our Top Ten High School Enrichment Opportunities is a perfect physical tool to give out to students interested in learning about opportunities

Newsletter Image

The perfect image to include when promoting The Collection in a newsletter, on a website or anywhere else online.

Social Content

Great to include for any post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or any other social platform.


Do you want to make positive change in your school?

Bring The Collection to your school. Reach out to your guidance counsellor or teacher, tell them about the website and ask them if they could hang up posters around school.

Need help making this happen? Reach out.