Catalyst Conference

Quick Glance: Conference for girls and non-binary students interested in engineering to experience what university is like and explore engineering!

Key Highlights:

  • Location: University of Waterloo

  • Dates: April 27th-28th. (2024)

  • Eligibility: Girls and non-binary students in grade 11.

  • Cost: Free (2024)

  • Website:

**Information updated July 2024


Are you a grade 11 girl or non-binary student who is curious about engineering? Want to see what university is like?

The conference is an exciting opportunity for grade 11 girls and non-binary students to participate in hands-on workshops, explore the University of Waterloo, meet engineering students, compete in a design competition, and experience life in residence!

Conference participants will have a full schedule of engineering challenges, workshops, and social activities.

Workshops: Explore the unique world of engineering through workshops presented by some amazing engineers in Waterloo. Through these workshops, you will discover the variety of engineering careers, some amazing things engineers do and learn about what your life as an engineer could be like. 

Design challenge: After learning about what engineers do you will get the chance to be an engineer for a day by competing in a design challenge!

You will be given a task to complete and receive a crash course in the engineering design cycle. Using your newly acquired knowledge, you will design and engineer a device to complete the task.

Residence Life: During the conference, you will be staying in a university residence. This will give you a taste of what living in residence is like by staying in the rooms and eating in the cafeteria. You can also chat with current engineering undergraduate students about tips for living in residence!

If your application is accepted, you will receive an information package with further details including a packing list and pick-up/drop-off times. 

**Last updated July 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)

Have you participated in the Catalyst Conference?

Do you have something to share or is something incorrect?

Fill out the opportunity form and tell us about your experience with this opportunity. Your testimonial will be posted here for other youth to read.

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