Student Vote Canada Student Election - Self Lead

Quick Glance: Student Vote Canada and Elections Canada allow schools to register themselves for a student vote where. Student Vote Canada provides registries with the materials to run an official election for their student body!

Key Highlights:

  • Location: Your community!

  • Dates : Coming soon

  • Eligibility: Self lead

  • Fees: free and materials are provided.

  • Website:

  • Registration Date: Coming soon


Student Vote is an authentic learning program that provides students with the opportunity to experience the voting process firsthand and practice the habits of active and informed citizenship.

The program is open to any elementary, middle or high school and there is no cost to participate. Schools may offer Student Vote to a single class or engage the entire student body in the program. Registered schools are supplied with print and online pedagogical materials, posters and election supplies. The resources are targeted at grades 4 to 12, and the materials are available in both English and French. The activities are intended to inform students about government and the electoral process, enhance information literacy skills, encourage research into the candidates and issues, and foster dialogue among students and their families.Students take on the role of election workers and coordinate a vote within their school. Participating students cast ballots for the election candidates running in the school’s electoral district. The results are shared publicly after the close of polls.

**Last updated January 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)


The following testimonial was submitted by Julien G, a grade 9 student from Barrie, Ontario. They answered the following key questions. Julien rates this program a 8 out of 10.

What stood out about this opportunity that makes it such a unique experience worthy of being part of The Collection?

This was something that was amazing for me to lead as a student in my school community. This was the first time that I had the opportunity to lead something in my school and in general. It forced me to communicate with teachers, fellow students and community members. Not only from a leadership side, but from a civic side this opportunity allowed me to become engaged with the electoral system and spreed that engagement to my school.

What is something a youth participating in this opportunity should know?

This is a fun and engaging way to lead somthing and create something for your community. Remember if you chose to run an election you must be prepared to organize! be ready to connect with many individuals and work with many different people. In the end if you are ready for the challenge this is an awesome thing to do.

What was your favourite activity/experience of the opportunity?

My favourite thing had to be election day. It was what I had been organizing for a long time and it was when all of my planning and work came together. It was a great experience to see my school community all come together to cast their vote. It was a proud moment for me.

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