World Vision’s Climate Change Challenge

Quick Glance: Join World Vision’s Climate Change Challenge by completing 10 at home/community challenges! See your local actions have a global impact, and have a chance to meet and learn with other passionate youth during virtual events and celebrations throughout the challenge!

Key Highlights:

  • Location: Anywhere in Canada - You take on these challenges in your own community!

  • Dates: March 20th - April 20th, 2024.

  • Website:


Complete 10 simple climate challenges right at home or in your community.

From March 20th – April 20th, join other Canadian youth in completing 10 climate challenges in less than 5 weeks. Local climate action that has a global impact. This year, the money raised through the Climate Change Challenge will fund World Vision’s work combatting climate change in Chad. The more challenges you get sponsored, the more money you can raise for tree-planting!

Challenges include Local Litter Cleanup, Eat Your Veggies, Clean Out Your Closet, Plant Something, Tech-Free Day, Sort Your Trash, Reduce Travel Emissions, Raise Awareness, Punt the Single-Use Plastics, and Energy Audit.

Finish as many challenges as you can to improve your local environment and get trees planted in Chad.

**Last updated March 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)


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