Canada Wide Science Fair - CWSF

Quick Glance: CWSF is a national science fair event held annually across Canada. An extraordinary event brings together our nation’s brightest young minds, celebrating their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and innovation.

Key Highlights:

  • Location: Locations across Canada. 2023 was Edmonton. 2024 was Ottawa.

  • Eligibility: Grades 7-12. Winners of their respective regional STEM fairs.

  • Fees: Free.

  • Website:


Welcome to the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF), the pinnacle of youth STEM excellence in Canada. Hosted annually by Youth Science Canada, this extraordinary event brings together our nation’s brightest young minds, celebrating their passion for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and innovation. Witness the future of STEM through the eyes of our youth. From groundbreaking research to inventive solutions, each project at the CWSF is a window into the incredible potential of our young scientists. The fair is a vibrant display of elaborate presentations, engaging demonstrations, and thought-provoking discussions.

Rooted in a rich history that dates back to the 1960s, the Canada-Wide Science Fair has evolved into a national platform for the next generation of scientists and innovators. Youth Science Canada is proud to champion this celebration of curiosity, inquiry, and scientific achievement.

The CWSF showcases the talents of students from grades 7 through 12, winners of their respective regional STEM fairs. These young scientists represent the future of innovation in Canada, displaying projects that span health, environmental sciences, engineering, computer science, and more.

**Last updated May 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)


The following testimonial was submitted by Harvey, from Windsor, Nova Scotia. They answered the following key questions. Harvey rates this program a 10 out of 10.

What stood out about this opportunity that makes it such a unique experience?

CWSF (Canada wide science fair) is one of the greatest experiences of my life. I still recall the feeling I first got when I entered the project hall for the first time. The sheer enormity of it was enough to take my breath away. Furthermore, the connections you make while there are exceptional. While at CWSF I was able to make close friends from all aspects of life whom I still communicate with regularly. The doors opened by CWSF are second to none. I still receive regular emails inviting me to all different STEM opportunities. If you are a Canadian youth in search of an opportunity to further your development as a researcher in any STEM field than CWSF is the rout for you.

What is something a youth attending this opportunity should know?

While at first it might seem scary to go to such an event should you receive the opportunity then you should immediately take it. CWSF honestly caused my drive for STEM and is something I look back on as a proud memory.

What was your favourite activity/experience of the opportunity?

For me, the best part of this opportunity was the work I did to get there. Going through the process of building and creating is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Although a close second was exploring and debating topics with likeminded people from all over the world.

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