The Official Languages Program’s Explore Program

Quick Glance: Become completely immersed in the French language in a half summer camp half language school environment. The Explore program is offered at various Universities and CEGEPs across Canada and is a unique summer camp experience for anyone interested in learning French.

  • Location: Various Universities and CEGEPs across Canada.

  • Dates : Various dates in the summer ( Dependent on what location offers).

  • Age Range: 13-15. OLP offerers other programs for individuals 16+

  • Fees: Funded by the Government of Canada (Apart from a non refundable registration fee, typically $275 - different camp to camp).

  • Website:

  • Registration Varies from the different sessions.


Imagine learning or improving your French-speaking skills while making new friends and experiencing a different local culture and way of life in another part of Canada. That’s Explore.

Explore is an intensive, government-funded immersion programs offered during the spring and summer in exciting locations across the country. The sessions are taught at accredited institutions, and students live on campus or with local host families.

**Last updated January 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)


The following testimonial was submitted by Ray-Ray G, a grade 10 student from Barrie, Ontario. They answered the following key questions. Ray-Ray rates this program a 10 out of 10

What stood out about this opportunity that makes it such a unique experience worthy of being part of The Collection?

I have been learning french on my own for a while and always wanted something more then the traditional French taught at my school. This program was super awesome as I was able to travel on my own to city called Jonquire in Quebec. There I met kids my age from all across Canada. There were people from B.C., Nova Scotia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon and North-West Terititories. I thought it might be like school but it was so much more fun then that. We had French classes in the morning and then did activities for the afternoon. I greatly enjoyed this program and it offered me such a valuable summer experience.

What is something a youth applying to this opportunity should know?

Don’t be nervous! I must admit when I went to this program I was super scared. I found this program online, I didn’t know anyone going to or having attended the program, and I travelled all alone to what seemed to me like the middle of nowhere Quebec. The fact that I paid $275 for three weeks of food and accommodations did not ease my mind. With that being said the program was amazing and I met so many nice friends. It is worth putting yourself out there and feeling uncomfortable!

What was your favourite activity/experience in the opportunity?

I think my favourite activity from the program had to be the Olympics. All of the different floors of the residence building competed against each other once a week to receive the title of best floor. The games where always challenging and fun to do as a group. Our floor really bounded over these competitions and had a change to show our floor pride.

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