SPARCS Program- Seeing Possibilities and Rewards in Computer Science

Quick Glance: Week long immersion program for students looking to learn about the world of computer science.

Key Highlights:

  • Location: University of Waterloo

  • Dates: May 12th-17th (2024)

  • Application Deadline: In June (2024)

  • Eligibility: Grades 9 or 10 students from underrepresented communities (young women, non-binary or trans folk).

  • Cost: $250, Flights to the university are covered

  • Website:

    **Last updated July 2024


Discover how mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, and more SPARCS is a unique opportunity designed to ignite enthusiasm for computer science among people of gender identities under-represented in computer science.* Designed for Grade 9 and 10 students with little to no exposure to computer science, this workshop brings participants together from across Canada. Participants learn that computer science is about much more than using and programming computers.

This week-long immersive workshop will be held at the University of Waterloo and participants will have the opportunity to learn through lectures, labs, and hands-on activities that typically investigate ideas demonstrating the breadth of computer science. Sessions may include introductions to cryptography, Bioinformatics, quantum computing, graphics, human-computer interaction and hardware. All sessions are led by university professors and graduate students.

**Last updated July 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)

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