Summer Work Student Exchange - YMCA

Quick Glance: Exchange opportunity where students aged 16 and 17 travel to different communities across Canada to improve their second languages skills while working!

Key Highlights:

  • Location: Communities across Canada

  • Dates: 6 weeks in summer.

  • Ages: 16-17.

  • Website:


The YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange is a unique national exchange program that brings together youth from various communities across the country. Participating youth, aged 16 and 17, have the opportunity to improve their second official language skills, and gain important employment experience through a work placement while on their exchange.

Within local participating communities, other community partners such as exchange hosts, employers, our summer staff and the community at large also both contribute to the program and benefit from participation.

In 6 short weeks over the summer, participants go on a journey that will forever impact their life. Learning more about themselves, discovering another part of Canada and the people that make up our great nation, taking on new challenges, making new friends and, having so much fun, participants agree this experience is THE JOURNEY OF A LIFETIME!

*Last updated July 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)

Have you participated in the Summer Work Student Exchange?

Do you have something to share or is something incorrect?

Fill out the opportunity form and tell us about your experience with this opportunity. Your testimonial will be posted here for other youth to read.

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