Nova Scotia Youth Choir - Nova Scotia Choral Federation

Quick Glance: The NSYC is a provincial choir of talented youth singers from ages 16-25.

Key Highlights:

  • Location: Halifax and other locations across the province.

  • Eligibility: Ages 16-25

  • Fees: $75 in 2020 (registration fee)

  • Website:


 The Nova Scotia Choral Federation is ecstatic to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Nova Scotia Youth Choir! Through auditions, approximately 40 singers ages 16-25 will be chosen to work with a faculty of fine musicians dedicated to excellence in vocal performance and musicianship. They will provide them a challenging opportunity to work, develop and perform choral music together at a very high calibre.

Choristers work with the faculty during two rehearsal periods in May and August. Final rehearsal sessions will be led by the guest conductor and will culminate in performances in Lunenburg, Wolfville and Halifax on September 19 and 20, 2020.

**Last updated May 2024 (description taken from the program’s website)


The following testimonial was submitted by Hannah, from Queens County Nova Scotia. They answered the following key questions. Hannah rates this program a 10 out of 10.

What stood out about this opportunity that makes it such a unique experience?

It was amazing to work with youth from across the province that come together to sing! We go from place to place. It was amazing to work with so many dedicated and professional singers. We perform at various places and events.

What is something a youth attending this opportunity should know?

Make sure you have some experience signing! Don’t be scared to apply though and put yourself out there. This is an amazing opportunity and there is no harm in trying!

What was your favourite activity/experience of the opportunity?

The best part about this choir is having the opportunity to work with so many amazing and talented singers.

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