Youth Enrichment Opportunities (Y.E.O.)

Welcome to the ultimate portfolio of over 100 high school extracurriculars, programs, camps, forums and enrichment opportunities in Canada

Searching for opportunities to enrich your high school journey? Search no further.

The Collection showcases unique, outside of the ordinary, youth tested and approved, once in a lifetime experiences.

Explore Over 100 Opportunities

We Are Always Growing

Have you participated in any programs, experiences or opportunities that you enjoyed? The Collection is always seeking out new, relevant and engaging opportunities open to Canadian high school students. Help contribute to the lifelong learning of others by sharing these opportunities here.

  • At the Collection, a Y.E.O. is the next level of an extracurricular opportunity.

    Examples Include but are not limited to:

    Enrichment camps

    • Science camps

    • Medical camp

    • Veterinary camp


    • Exchanges to other countries

    • Exchanges to other Canadian cities

    Language camps and programs

    • French immersion camp

    • Spanish learning program

    Volunteer experiences

    • National or provincial volunteer opportunities

    • Out-of-the-box volunteer experiences


    • Essay competitions

    • Science/computing competitions

    Other unique experiences

    • Online forums

    • Learning opportunities

    • Youth advisory committees

Support Our Socials

@collection_yeo | @collectionyeo | @collection-yeo

“We aim to foster an environment that exposes Canadian youth to the highest level of extracurricular experiences”

— The Collection Team